Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Snatch Test

I had a bet with Swami and Galan that by the end of the year I could get 100 snatches in less than 10 minutes. They had some weight loss goals.

I was thinking all day: How hard could it be? I’d set the Gymboss to 30 seconds and the egg timer to 5 minutes. All I needed to do was get 10 reps in every 30 seconds...of course that assumes I could breathe (generally accepted as being over rated). After 60 reps I knew I wasn’t going to make 5 minutes and had to readjust the egg timer. I think I did it in slightly under 7 minutes. It was my first attempt and I learned a lot from the video. Lots of work to do, but still it was a goal.

Snatches 24kg; 5 x 10/10