Sunday, November 15, 2009

A New Set of Goals

My journey has brought me to this. This Thursday I received the word that I have Type 2 Diabetes. Not this was a shock. The odds were that I was were I was going to get something, high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes. I have been suspicious for a while. I have been monitoring my blood pressure from my regular blood donation visits and so far normal. High cholesterol runs in my family and I have a grandfather and several uncles who had died of heart attacks and my Dad had a quadruple bypass. Diabetes has always on the fringe. My grandmother and great grandmother had it and my Dad was being "watched" for it. Running +60 lbs overweight doesn't help either. So the doctor put me on Metformin and has some new goals for me.

Blood Pressure: Keep my BP at 129/79 or lower. Luckily this is average BP.

BMI of 30. Currently I am at a BMI of 39. A BMI of 30 translates to a weight of 215 lbs for me. The last time I weighed 215 was 1985 and I was 24 and working at UPS. I was so skinny you could see my ribs. But a BMI of 30 is still considered obese. Which is why I do not believe in BMI. I have been trying to lose 60lbs for the past 3 years (unsuccessfully I might add). So I would still like to lose the 60lbs and get to 225lbs. See goals for 2008 :(

A1C: Keep an A1C of 6.5 or lower. Mine is currently at 7.9. Which translates to a blood sugar measurement of 174. This is not good. This is what the Metformin is for.

Cholesterol: An LDL of 100 (or less). Currently I am at 139. My total cholesterol is 209. I have an HDL of 44. Given my family history, I think this is pretty good. The Doc also wanted to put me on cholesterol meds, but I balked. But he said he wants to see progress.

For the exercise part, I've been playing racquetball 3 days a week since 2007. I have also been working out in various forms. Weight lifting, Kettlebells - Thanks Scoundrel! and riding a stationary bike (boring, but I get a good sweat).

My diet will have to change a lot. I guess Mountain Dew and Nesquik will be an occasional treat instead of an everyday thing...

I will give updates on my progress on attaining these goals along with my journey into the Diabetes world.


Scoundrel said...

It's been two months since your 'New Goals' post. Time for a progress report (which you promised).

Unknown said...

Its now been 3 months :-)

Scoundrel said...

...and counting...

Scoundrel said...

Is it time for an update yet?