You know what they say where the road of good intentions leads too.. But since I laid down the gauntlet about resolutions and Scoundrel jumped right on it (and now Galan with his!), it's high time I get to mine. most New Year's resolutions can be summed up as "Just Do It" or "I'm going to stop procrastinating", "I will be a better person". Goals without specifics are doomed so I have read and experienced.
Swami's 2008 list of Good Intentions: (Other than the first one, in no particular order.)
1. Lose some weight. No seriously. For the first half 2006 and most of 2007 I have been the most physically active I have been in over 20 years. But I have only managed to lose 8-10 pounds. My ultimate goal is 225lbs. (currently at 278) I need to stop fooling myself and eat less! My biggest problem being eating out for lunch.
2. Continue being physically active. I've been playing racquetball 3 times a week for 10 months. I have made fits and starts with some sort of workout routine. My knees being the biggest limiting factor.
3. Still along the lines of being active.... Take up swimming as an exercise. To me swimming is like running. And I hate running! But.. I think it's something that will be good for me in the long run. Also, I need to help and encourage Brawler with his swimming. I'll be looking to Shortcake and Turtle Girl for some coaching.
4. Set up a regular date night with my Wife. With work, kids, activities, etc. It's easy to get into the blah routine. (see #8). a movie, a walk, dinner, shopping, showering!
5. Family.. (see #8 & #10) Nothing very specific here. Just try to recognize time is moving along and spend and enjoy time with them.
6. Get together with Scoundrel more than once every 6 months. I would like to check out a movie or hang out with Sventlana, Medusa, Bertha and the gang. Good company, good food, good beer!
7. Speaking of beer. I would like to get back into brewing beer and relive some of the glory days of Big Boys Brewery. Brew a batch every quarter. With a season ending batch of the award winning Big Boys Pumpkin Ale.
8. Attitude, Attitude, Attitude... It's been troubling me for many years. I need to shit or get off the pot. I'm plagued by laziness, procrastination and the blahs. About 6 years ago I was seeing a coach. Didn't help much at the time, but maybe I need to revisit the problem. This blog was something that I was hoping would help get me out of my slump. So how's it working for me so far Scoundrel? 3 weeks ago I put up the challenge to Scoundrel and Galan for 2008 resolutions and I'm just getting to mine. (with lots of push)
9. Reading. My Wife and Scoundrel have been on me for years to read a book. How about this: 4 fiction books this year.
10. Get off the couch! Break the routine of coming home and sitting on the couch until it's time for bed.
11. Work attitude. enough said (see #8)
12. Radio Control cars and helicopters. About 5 years ago, Dgeyi, got me involved in Nitro Monster trucks. I loved it! But there were changes at work, and things just drifted away.
*** Before this list gets too long and seemingly insurmountable, the real key is #8. I thought that the new job in 2000/2001 was going to fix my problem. Then RC cars in 2003, then Workingout in 2006, Racquetball in 2007. But it is much deeper than that. And this is what I truly need to work on. ***
Ok.. Back to the list
13. House items. New Bathroom and Laundry room. Landscaping, clean out the crawl space/garage. General repair.
14. This blog. Keep up with weekly activities and tidbits. don't put off until tomorrow.....
15. Wow! It looks like I'm trying to fix all my problems in one year. That is most certainly doomed to failure. I could go one with this list, but I wanted to hit the big ticket items and a couple of "that would be nice" things. We'll see how this all plays out. It's almost the end of January and I'm way behind already! Here is too a great 2008! As my coach said.. "You have the Power to Change". Well do ya punk?
January 21
Swings, 28 kg; 5 x 10/10 and TGUs, 28 kg; 5 x 1/1
Heart Graph App..five stars!
I did the swings at the top of the minute, waited a minute and continued
10 years ago
Nice post. Good luck in 2008. I'll push where I can. Some comments:
9. Reading - I like Ski don't make time to read books. I'd much rather read interesting magazines, and I do, a lot. They are much easier to read in short bursts. As far as fiction, over the past 3 months I've read about 5-6 Audio Books in the car whenevr I'm driving. I look forward to long boring car rides now to get back to my book, and it sure helps the time pass until riding season. I get them free at the Washington Couty Library.
You don't seem to have a clouded view of your shortcomings, that should work in your favor and help you attain your goals.
These lists don't really address our strengths though and those are what we'll need to utilize and lean on to accomplish our goals. Maybe we'll need another list?
Good to see your resolutions. Thanks. There's a lot there, I hope your not setting yourself up for disapointment. I'm glad to see that you planned som fun too. I would add this: consciously spending, renewing and, increasing your energy. I think energy is part of your frustration. Don't over do, don't under do, do it right.
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