Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Light day

Short on time so I had a lite workout:

Svetlana; 16Kg - One armed swings 10/10 x 10;

Cycle for 30 minutes.

Tastes great; Less filling? Not a big fan.


Swami said...

So you rode your bike 10 minutes less and that is a 'lite' day? Let's stop with the drivel and whining. You got your KB workout in and rode the bike. Look at it this way... It sounds like you weren't in the mood but you overcame your urge to not workout and did something! What would you have done a year ago?, 6 months ago? 3 months ago? Nothing!! What are you thinking?? That you are going to reverse 10 plus years of being a sloth in 60 days? You've come a long way baby. Enough of the whining already. Congratulate yourself on starting a program and picking an original one at that! Have a nice winter lager and relax! Celebrate your accomplishments.