Thursday, January 31, 2008

EZ Ride...ER

Variety Day Workout.

Push Press
24kg; 5/5 x 3

16kg; 10/10 x 2

One Leg Dead Lift
16kg; 5/5 x 2

Turkish Get-Ups
16kg; 1/1x3

96 reps, 3907 lbs

40 minutes

Duration: 0:58:19
Calories: 582
Fat: 55%
Max heart rate: 147 bpm
% of max: 84%
Average heart rate: 118 bpm
% of max: 67%

Hard Zone 80% + of HR max (Threshold and Red Line Zones): 00:18
Medium Zone, 70-80% of HR max (Aerobic Zone): 6:28
Light Zone, 60 – 70% of HR max (Temperate Zone):51:05
120 second recovery: 108 bmp – 85 bpm = 23 bpm recovery
Heart Zone Training Points: 123