Monday, January 7, 2008

A Day Full of Firsts

Today was full of firsts


Clean and Press Ladders (first time):

Svetlana; 16 Kg
1/1, 2/2, 3/3
1/1, 2/2, 3/3
1/1, 2/2, 3/3

Three ladders, three rungs. My technique is far from perfect, but pain can be a motivator too. I think my left forearm is going to be black and blue for a couple days.


Medusa; 24Kg
Doubles 15 x 4

Svetlana; 16Kg
Singles 10/10 x 8

I found out the program ‘minimum' is 12 minutes, not 10 so I upped it (first = 12 sets).

Cycle 35 minutes

Abs: Crunches 30 x 4

Another first: I had to take my belt in another notch 2nd since I started.

Also, I named my remaining Kettlebells. The 32Kg I’ll name Bertha. It’s a bit of a cliché, but a good one. The 12 Kg is a laminated Sonja (Red Sonja, yes Swami I know I had another option...but that’s just unpleasant). The 15 pounder I was going to name Pee Wee, but I came up with a better one. Since I’m feeling a little mean spirited and since the 15 pounder is so unmasculine and virtually worthless with it’s only possible redeeming quality something you might stub your toes on, I thought Kummel would be the perfect name for it.