I’ve been reading about heart rates and heart health. Apparently it’s not good to train at 90% or more of you max heart rate (Red Line Zone). So then, what’s the point? Isn’t improved performance about pushing your limits and having your body adapt?
The reported physiological changes in the RLZ include: interference with coordination (OK, I can understand this – while I’m sucking wind), increased red blood cell destruction, increased risk of injury, diminished ATP energy renewal and damage to aerobic capacity.
The ‘theory’ is that there is a high level of acidosis from the presence of lactic acid. This increase acidity in turn affects muscle cell enzymes responsible for aerobic metabolism, weakens the cell walls of the muscles, and causes trauma to the membranes of the red blood cells.
Oh come on. Kids in football camp, or marine boot camp never spend any time in the red line zone? I’m still at the bottom rung of my conditioning efforts. I’ve been increasing my tolerance and strength. Plus, I perform active recovery as part of my routine to keep the blood flowing to washout the acidosis.
The book I’m reading suggests 2-4 minutes in the RLZ up to two times a week. By my calculation I spent at least 12 minutes in the RLZ. Stupid book.
Any way if my body parts start falling off, you’ll know why.
Clean and Press Ladders
Svetlana; 16 kg:
4 x 1/1, 2/2, 3/3
One handed Swings with Medusa and Svetlana:
24kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 140 bpm
24kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 151 bpm
24kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 156 bpm
24kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 158 bpm
24kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 161 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 163 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 164 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 165 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 166 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 166 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 168 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 169 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 170 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 171 bpm
16kg; 10/10; 20 seconds rest; 171 bpm
Cycle to finish out hour @35 minutes
Duration: 1:00:17.
Calories: 847
Fat: 35%
Max heart rate:171 bpm
% of max:98%
Average heart rate: 142 bpm
% of max: 81%
Hard Zone 80% + of HR max (Threshold and Red Line Zones): 28:36
Medium Zone, 70-80% of HR max (Aerobic Zone): 23:28
Light Zone, 60 – 70% of HR max (Temperate Zone):8:13
120 second recovery: 140 bmp – 110 bpm = 30 bpm recovery
January 21
Swings, 28 kg; 5 x 10/10 and TGUs, 28 kg; 5 x 1/1
Heart Graph App..five stars!
I did the swings at the top of the minute, waited a minute and continued
10 years ago
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