Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Meet the Family....

Last Sunday Scoundrel and I got together for some male bonding. Scoundrel introduced me to his family - Svetlana, Medusa, Big Joe and the kids (his kettlebell family) I also got an introduction into the 'way of the kettlebell'. Scoundrel let me tryout Svetlana. I must admit, I'm a little jealous.
Scoundrel has in his basement stuff I can't get at "The Club". Kettlebells for one and a bike roller for another. Working with Svetlana was fun. She took it easy on me. If you don't have access to kettlebells, just use your bowling ball bag (with ball) - Not Scoundrel approved! Like most exercises (as I'm learning) it's all about technique. learning to keep you back straight as you swing and stand up and squat down. 2 sets of 10 swings and I was breathing heavy.

After Scoundrel showed me his workout - so much for easing into it! We went out for pizza and beer and took in an awful movie. Something we seem to have a knack for! (The Marine, and others that have blocked from my memory) This one was Alien vs Predator: Requiem. To say it was bad just doesn't do it justice. It was Blue Lagoon bad. But, a good time was had. We shared some beer, pizza and brotherhood.


Scoundrel said...

It was great to have you over to meet the old ball and chain, and all the 'little' ones ; )