Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday Morning Racquetball

It's Monday morning.. Cold and creaky I played some racquetball. While I got my ab work in, I didn't warm-up the way I wanted. (squandered too much time again). Cut-throat with Mr T and Mr RR with Mr RR coming out on top. (got to 11 though). Then it was singles with Mr R. I lost 15-14, and I' m upset I had the chance at the winning shot - wide open, easy setup with Mr R out of place and skipped it! Oh Well I was glad I was competitive. Then it was cut-throat with Mr R and Super D. This time I came out on top 15-13-14 and I didn't miss the winning point! My forehand was working much better. I even got a few aces! Still lacking power though. My knees were complaining too. And the most impressive part - 276lbs!