Sunday, January 27, 2008


Variety Day Workout:

The purpose of the variety day is to work different muscles or the same muscles a little differently. Since the body adapts to repetitive tasks it is good to vary the loads and the task for better overall functional strength.

Push Press
24kg; 5/5 x 2

16kg; 5/5 x 2

One Leg Dead Lift
16kg; 5/5 x 1
These were tough on the ankles.

Turkish Get-Ups
16kg; 1/1x3

30 minutes

I was trying to keep my heart rate below 70%. I couldn’t manage to do it during the lifts, even with long rests. The cycling was also difficult. I was going so slow I could barely keep my balance.

Duration: 1:01:38
Calories: 542
Fat: 60%
Max heart rate:136 bpm
% of max:78%
Average heart rate: 111 bpm
% of max: 63%

Hard Zone 80% + of HR max (Threshold and Red Line Zones): 00:00
Medium Zone, 70-80% of HR max (Aerobic Zone): 2:43
Light Zone, 60 – 70% of HR max (Temperate Zone):57:42
120 second recovery: 110 bmp – 84 bpm = 26 bpm recovery
Heart Zone Training Points: 123

Weight: 236 lbs

Yesterday’s Workout:

Warm-up: 5 minute bike and stretch

Clean and Press Ladders
16 kg: 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 x 4 sets

One handed Swings, on the top of the minute

24kg; 10/10 x 5 sets
16kg; 10/10; x 10 sets

Cycle to finish out hour @35 minutes

Duration: 1:02:06
Calories: 755
Fat: 45%
Max heart rate: 159 bpm
% of max: 91%
Average heart rate: 131 bpm
% of max: 75%

Hard Zone 80% + of HR max (Threshold and Red Line Zones): 11:29
Medium Zone, 70-80% of HR max (Aerobic Zone): 33:34
Light Zone, 60 – 70% of HR max (Temperate Zone):16:35
120 second recovery: 130 bmp – 102 bpm = 28 bpm recovery
Heart Zone Training Points: 179

I’ve decided to add the Heart Zone Training Points as a calculation of ((Hard Zone * 4) + (Medium Zone * 3) + (Light Zone * 2)) in order to measure my training load from the heart rate perspective. It’s interesting to note that Monday's HZT points were 201 and Wednesday’s were 172. It was the same workout, but I felt flat on Wednesday and couldn’t push any farther into the harder zones. I want to see how this relates to workout quality.