Today I came up to the bottom. I implemented another exercise which brings me to the ETK (Enter the Kettlebell) program minimum. I did some Turkish Get Ups - squat variation. Time to add some strength lifts to the plan.
The TGU starts with you prone on the floor. You bring the bell to your chest, lift it straight up, bring your leg over, push yourself into an upright seated and then to the squat position (with the bell straight over your head and eyes on the bell), stand up, then back down to your starting position, and switch sides. The program minimum is 5 minutes. My right side was strong, but the left needed a little oomph.
Svetlana only – 16Kg
5 minutes of TGU’s
10/10; 20 seconds rest
10/10; 20 seconds rest
10/10; 20 seconds rest; 150 bpm
10/10; 20 seconds rest; 150 bpm
10/10; 20 seconds rest; 160 bpm
10/10; 20 seconds rest; 170 bpm
10/10; 20 seconds rest; 170 bpm
10/10; 20 seconds rest; 170 bpm
10/10; 20 seconds rest; 180 bpm
10/10; 20 seconds rest; 180 bpm
Usually I’ve been taking 30 seconds rest after the 5th and 7th sets, but I didn’t do that this time. Also, FYI - I do not use a HR monitor. Two fingers to the throat and count while the timer goes down six seconds, then multiply times ten. So there is some margin of error +/-.
Cycle for 40 minutes.
Crunches: 40 x 4
Hey Swami – I got your lite day right here pal :) )
January 21
Swings, 28 kg; 5 x 10/10 and TGUs, 28 kg; 5 x 1/1
Heart Graph App..five stars!
I did the swings at the top of the minute, waited a minute and continued
10 years ago
that's a pretty intense workout, Scoundrel. But then again, you are mister intensity. Careful with that heart rate. Just leave me the kettlebells and your Rachel Ray cookbooks ;).
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