Wednesday, July 2, 2014

In for an overhaul

This past year saw a lot of racquetball.  By late March, this body was just plane worn out.  Late winter, I was diagnosed with arthritis in my left wrist and being left handed, it was a problem.  However, it was developing plantar fasciitis in my left food that put me out of action for 6 weeks.  This is just one of a long list of of injuries this aging body has piled up.  Way back in 9th grade football, I suffered a separated shoulder and partial tear of my rotator cuff.  In my early days of racquetball, I slipped on a wet spot and did the splits and I am occasionally bothered by my right groin/right hip.  My hamstrings have endured several pulls and tears.  Most recently in 2011 when I started to play competitive racquetball.  I had meniscus repair in my right knee in 2010 and in 2012 I was diagnosed with a ruptured disc in my neck (C5/C6) which sometimes affecst my right shoulder and arm.  Finally, I have a nagging arthritic big toe on my left foot I got when I stepped wrong on the court and bent my toe backwards.  This was sometime around 2008.  During the course my training for the US Open, I'm going to address these injuries with specific exercises.    


Scoundrel said...

What the heck 😈...there's no like button! 👍