Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Kettlebell Tuesday

50 minutes, 520 calories, 75% average HR.  My lower back didn’t cramp up until about half-way through this time.  I still haven’t gotten to the bottom of this problem yet.  It also plagues me in racquetball.  The gal next to me was using a 24kg as compared my 20kg for swings, goblets and dead lifts.  For doubles, she was using 16’s vs. my 14’s for cleans, clean and squat, swings and renegade rows.  Generally a strength session with ~ 30 second sets done in a ladder format.  We finished with lots of ab work – 2 rounds of pull-overs, planks, criss-cross leg raisers, side planks, leg raisers alternate leg.  Mixed in all of this were squat holds, sumo squats, 3 point hold and push-ups. 

I go to G365 for my kettlebell classes.  They are taught by RKC II instructor, Barb.  The classes are between 4 and 12 people, mostly women, mostly over 40 and strong as hell.  I seem to be the only one breathing like a race horse and sweating like a pig in class.     

Kettlebells are a key element in my training.  I get everything I need in these sessions - Strength, Cardio, Flexibility and Sweat.  It was Scoundrel who introduced me to kettlebells and if it wasn’t for kettlebells, I don’t know what I would be doing for general exercise.  While working on my technique, my goal is to reach 12 calories/minute for these sessions.


Scoundrel said... Good work! Don't compare yourself to the girl next to you. You are not in competition with her. She is probably not built like you nor would she have your movement restrictions or impingements.

Swami said...

Actually, she's built pretty good ;) I work hard to try not to compare or compete. Mostly they are just observations.