Bouncing Betty, Big Bertha, the Medusas, Svetlana, and Sonya.
Not pictured is Kummel. He’s basically worthless. I’d use him as a door stop, but I’m afraid the door would break his handle, then he’d be worthless and no good to even himself ; )
I was at the RKC Kettlebell Certification as a victim yesterday. Basically I was just a test crash dummy for a future KB instructor. We only went over Turkish Getups and Swings. I learned a few things – keep my shoulders in, put a little more effort on the down swing rather than just letting gravity pull the bell down, and a few more details to the TGU’s. I also got 25% off on my two new bells: a second 24kg (for doubles) and a 40kg named Bouncing Betty.
The Blog. OK. I may need this blog. Back in the glory days all I had to do was look in the mirror at my Adonis like physique and that was enough to keep me motivated, but now…who knows. I’ve been slack, lax, and undisciplined in the past month and a half. I figure if Galan’s gonna man up and keeps up the good work, I’ll keep him company.
Also, I was a little miffed at Swami for pasting ghey pictures to my posts. It was kind of like shooting fish in a barrel since I couldn’t reciprocate. Oh well, maybe I had the wrong perspective. At least he was dedicated for 5 minutes a couple times a week ; )
238 lbs - Phat
16kg: 3 x1/1
Double Military Presses
24kg: 5x5
Double Rows
24kg: 5x5
Swings and Bike – 3 rounds
16kg: 5 x 10/10 on top of the minute
5 minutes on the rollers
Side bends
32kg 5/5
0:52:28 - Duration
628 - Calories
45% - Fat
157 bpm - Max heart rate
90% - % of max:
130 bpm - Average heart rate
74% - % of max:
12:00 - Hard Zone
23:06 - Medium Zone
17:22 - Light Zone
152 - Heart Zone Training Points
I can tell already that I’m going to be sore tomorrow. But I heard that GH loves lactic acid, so that’s a good thing.
January 21
Swings, 28 kg; 5 x 10/10 and TGUs, 28 kg; 5 x 1/1
Heart Graph App..five stars!
I did the swings at the top of the minute, waited a minute and continued
10 years ago
Welcome back Scoundrel. I know you never left, but its no fun talking to yourself. I'm anxious to get to my old workout routine, but I know it will take a while. I see the KB fam keeps growing. How did Bouncing Betty get her name?
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