Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Scoundrel Workout

Galan, in response to your question: I named my new 40kg Bouncing Betty after an anti personnel mine that springs from the ground spinning and exploding. I figure if/when I get that thing off the ground she’ll be shredding me, but in a good way.


Turkish Getups
16kg 5x1/1

Swings and Bike
Thought of something to kick it up just a notch
24kg 3x 10/10/10/10
Bike 5 minutes
24kg 3x 10/10/10/10; started to lose my grip a little
Bike 5 minutes
16kg 3x 10/10/10/10 (Barfed a little on the second set)
Bike 5 minutes

0:39:25 - Duration
521 - Calories
35% - Fat
173 bpm - Max heart rate
99% - % of max:
137 bpm - Average heart rate
78% - % of max:

15:50 - Hard Zone
13:35 - Medium Zone
10:00 - Light Zone
124 - Heart Zone Training Points