Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Ready, Get set……

Hey, what happened to your idea about workout music? Did you play ball this AM, or lift? Throwing the kindling around this weekend should count for something, although I’m not sure I’d admit to edging out a bunch of Cub Scouts.

OK Kt’s room is clean, living room is clean, dishes are done, laundry is done, and garbage disposal ordeal is over. Garage is cleaner but the Basement is still a mess. Picked up some hardware to reinforce the pull up bar. I have Wednesday and Thursday to get that in and a base line set. I have Kt Friday through Monday AM. I might get some spinning in between now and then. Monday night will be the first workout with weights – if I pass out I don’t want Kt anywhere that I might fall on her…she doesn’t know how to dial 911 anyway.


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

It's beginning..

I worked out today. I was time limited so only did 2 sets instead of 3 and skipped the leg ext and curls. Still feeling out the machines and weights. I'm still feeling the workout. A machine scoundrel might like. The torso twister! you kneel on it and press your chest against the pads and twist from the waist. 1 set is 12 reps from the left and then 12 reps from the right. I like it. The other machine was the back extension. When I'm done I real feel the muscles alone the lower spine. Same place as when I play racquetball.


Monday, October 1, 2007




Not yet....

O.K. I made it. No workouts yet until Saturday…I’ve got a little prep work to do….Then watch out, ‘cause I’m going to bring it. What’s the bet??



This should actually be my name. I had all weekend to get this blog tuned up and instead spent it watching two rained out races. F1 in Fuji Japan and NASCAR in Kansas City. I did make to the club (Lifetime Fitness) on Saturday and did a preliminary checkout of the workout machines. I will report about that later. Scoundrel is doing his best to keep me inspired. I am waiting for his first post though.