Monday, July 7, 2014

Week One

The first week started out slowly.  About two weeks ago I increased my kettlebell classes to 3 a week (Tue/Thu/Sat) except for last week (only 2) because of the 4th of July.  The kettlebell sessions are about 45-50 minutes, burning about 500 calories with an 80% average HR.  On Saturday I played some pick-up racquetball with some of the regulars.  Let's just say I've got some work to do.  Skipping the ball has become a big problem.  I broke out the jump rope.  Initially aiming for 1 minute of jumping for warm-up and another 1 minute after I'm done playing, by the count of 35, my calves are burning and thighs are screaming.  On the weight front, I'm up 10lbs from 2 months ago.  I did not get any dedicated racquetball practice in.