Hey, what happened to your idea about workout music? Did you play ball this AM, or lift? Throwing the kindling around this weekend should count for something, although I’m not sure I’d admit to edging out a bunch of Cub Scouts.
OK Kt’s room is clean, living room is clean, dishes are done, laundry is done, and garbage disposal ordeal is over. Garage is cleaner but the Basement is still a mess. Picked up some hardware to reinforce the pull up bar. I have Wednesday and Thursday to get that in and a base line set. I have Kt Friday through Monday AM. I might get some spinning in between now and then. Monday night will be the first workout with weights – if I pass out I don’t want Kt anywhere that I might fall on her…she doesn’t know how to dial 911 anyway.
January 21
Swings, 28 kg; 5 x 10/10 and TGUs, 28 kg; 5 x 1/1
Heart Graph App..five stars!
I did the swings at the top of the minute, waited a minute and continued
10 years ago
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