Monday, November 12, 2007

Scoundrel's 1st

OK – Swami’s been playing racquetball and doing some lifting. He’s just been too shy to share.

I’ve been out of town, busy, and/or lazy. Not looking forward to that first dose of soreness.


Date - 11/12/2007
Weight 246 lbs
Neck 17''
Shoulders 53.25''
Chest 47''
Gut 45.5''
Waist 42.5''
Hips 44''
Right Thigh 26.5''
Left Thigh 27.25''
Right Arm 16.25''
Left Arm 15.5''
Resting Heart Rate 70 bpm

First workout: 40 minutes on the rollers.

Easing into this nonsense. Felt a little light headed, weak in the knees, and saddle sore.



Swami said...

Great!! How did you measure yourself?

Scoundrel said...

I think it's called a tailor's tape measure.

Swami said...

I mean I can't see you mad eosme of the measurements. Some you would need 2 hands an another body. Maybe..... You did have another body helping with the measurements ;)