Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Taking Shape

186 lbs.

I'm starting to notice some slight changes. I think the program is working. Today, I did 500 calories on the elliptical, took 28 minutes. Then I did a 60 second wall sit, 30 jumps to a platform, and another 30-second wall sit. I was pooped and went home.


Swami said...

Nice chin. Must be from the chin
ups! Those wall sits suck. I can feel the burn all the way over here.

Swami said...

did you edit the pic with Photo Shop?

Unknown said...

Actually, I was playing around on my father-in-laws MacBook getting it ready for eBay. It was one of the filters on the built-in camera. He set it up to dual-boot MAC OS X Tiger, and Windows XP Pro.

Scoundrel said...

You’re neck is a little bigger than I thought it’d be.