Friday, November 23, 2007

Technical Update

I have figured out how to have expandable blogs entries. I have one bug to workout - double readmore at the bottom of the entry. To have and expandable blog add this to your entry where you want to cut it off. '<'span class="readmore"'>' (remove single quotes around the <>. I did this to have the command show up)
I did this so that we can see more blog entries and not have to scroll through Scoundrels long winded prose ;) to see the other entries.


Swami said...

Fixed the bug. Let me know if you find any thing else or if there is anything you would like to see.

Scoundrel said...

Hey partner, I don’t think you fixed all of the bugs. When I click on November I get your last post and only part of Galan’s. I went to set that post’s edit view and could not see what you did. There are no links or anything from that page. It’s a dead end.

Also, how attached are you to the welcome page. You can edit out my two comments if you want. Take a look at this blog:

(by the way how do you create the link?)

The things that I like are:

1. The first page has the latest post
2. The links and archives are still on the side
3. What do you think about the leave a message on the side?
4. It might be fun to put a counter or site meter on the side?

Swami said...

Hey.. I'm up for suggestions. I think you have a cache problem. I don't have any of the problems you mention. To clear you cache, hiold the shift key and select reload. What version of IE are you using?
Upgrade or download Firefox
You sure get around for a guy on dial-up!

Scoundrel said...

How about smaller text for the Archive links.

I like the parchment color of the main section of Rif's Blog.

If you look at the "Bring It" post, it looks like our red could be a little more crimson ; )

Swami said...

I'm thinking 3 column blog.
Go ahead change stuff!! You're the HTML expert now ;)

Swami said...

I love the pictures. They are better than the comments! We are keeping the color them going too.