Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

There were many things to be thankful for yesterday, least of which is all the wonderful tastes that make up the Thanksgiving dinner. I've learned that Black Friday's true blackness is related to the collective weight gain of Americans.

Weight 189.8 lbs

Ran for 15 minutes
Elliptical for 20 minutes

500+ calories burned

Thansgiving was the busiest day I've ever seen at Snap, today was the deadist. Whole gym to myself for 45 minutes. 1 other soul showed up as I was leaving.

4 weeks done, 2 to go. Still a little sore in the shoulders and neck from deadlifts Wednesday. They work pretty good!


Scoundrel said...

Good job with the Black Friday workout Champ! Commitment to your program when you could be out shopping is what will make you successful in your long term goal…whatever that may be.

A little perspective with the minor weight gain might be in order…

It’ll be gone before you know it. Just think of it as extra stored energy : )

Swami said...

Ok... Where did you find that pic? I've been looking for that to post for me. That's what I look like doing squats!

Scoundrel said...

Swami said...

Ouch! I my knees hurt just looking at the picture.