Friday, November 30, 2007

Racquetball #3

Played this morning. 1st game - cut-throat with the Marvelous Mr. M and Mr. K. I was at 2 points and the got 4 mercy points near the end. 2nd cut-throat was Mr. K and Mr S. I might have gotten to 5 or 6 points. But!! Marvelous Mr. M and I play a singles game. I won 15-14. It was a 20 minute affair. Mr. M's game was off a bit. 279lbs after a double cheeseburger, coffee-chocolate malt, fries and onion rings at Annie's Parlor last night.


Unknown said...

Fries and Onion Rings? Isn't Diet and Excercise a 50-50 compromise? J/K!