Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A weights journey

So.. How did I get to this state? 280 lbs.... It started a long time ago... I wasn't always this size. I was once a skinny runt too small for football. In 8th grade I was 115 lbs playing football. I was on the line of course. Type cast and trying to be a center like my Dad.

In 10th grade I was a whopping 140 lbs still playing the line with the 180 pounders. (back then 200lbs was big!) After spending the season on bench I decided that maybe football wasn't for me. I was 165 in 11th grade and graduated at 180 lbs (5' 11"). In 11th grade I picked up racquetball and loved it! But that is for another post.

After 3 years out of high school, I had a small growth spurt. I was over 200 lbs but was skinny. At the end of the summer of 1984 I was at 205. I was doing manual labor and water skiing almost daily.

By spring of 1985 I was up to 215. You could still see my ribs, but I was considered 40lbs over weight by the BMI charts. Go figure! By the spring of 1986 I was around 225 to 230. I was playing racquetball, but the change in jobs - from UPS to office work was making a difference. (But maybe it was the Nestle's Quik and chocolate croissants) I said I wouldn't go over 230. (I was at 235).

When I got married in August 1988 I was at 240lbs. I was still playing some racquetball, but not enough to make any difference. Early in 1991 I was at 250lbs! and the Scoundrel and had this great idea that we would start lifting weights. We were both members of Northwest Racquet Clubs (Started by Harv and Marv). So one Friday in January we hit the weights (hard!). On the Sunday after I couldn't move. My wife had to help me get dressed. I was so sore! I mean I was really sore! The Scoundrel and I lifted about once a week until around March. 250 lbs was my limit! Well I was hovering around 255.

I stayed at around 250 for awhile. By the summer of 1998 I was at 265. I had stopped playing racquetball or doing any other exercise! (I had been playing about twice a week with someone from church from 1992-1994.) My job of 10 years had been working 12 hour rotating shifts as a power system operator. But... We had moved to a new office and it had a workout room! Boy was I going to get into shape! Working out before work, it was going to be great! I even had a locker! I made a couple of attempts at the stairmaster, bike, and elliptical. Even crossed paths with Galan! By 2000, I was 270/275. I was playing softball on the work team but I was in sorry shape (ask Galan). Hampered by hamstring cramps.

Then came the trip to Wolf Ridge. It was a 5th grade trip for a week. There were the stairs of death. 270 stairs on the backside of the camp. Talk about sucking wind! Not to mention the climbing wall. I was a fat out of shape slob! I was really really determined to do something about my sorry condition. I made some more attempts in 2002 & 2003, not to mention another trip to Wolf Ridge. This time I was 280! (Remember I didn't want to be more than 230 or was that 250?)

Then in 2004 or 2005 Scoundrel and I made a bet. The first person to lose 10lbs buys the other a CD. I was at 288! Needless to say...

Well enough was enough.. with Galan and Coolio's encouragement, I started working out in January 2006, I was at 285lbs. 225 was my goal by December 20th. I figured going from couch potato to working out, the weight would just melt away. Well.. 6 months of 4 days a week (the program will highlighted another time) and not an ounce lost! We we moved offices in July 2006 and I stopped working out.

Then in February, Wackapacker pushed me and Galan to play some racquetball. I love racquetball! My first concern was my knees. At 285 I figured they would just snap off. We were playing about once a week. In March I met up some some guys at Lifetime Fitness (formally Northwest Athletic Club). By the end of the summer I was down about 10 lbs! ~ 273/277. In August I injured my foot (more on that later) and I was back up to 280 plus in 3 weeks! In October I started with the weights again. What a difference it made in my racquetball! So I'm playing racquetball 3 times a week and working out twice a week. I am currently at 277lbs. That's my weight's journey.


Scoundrel said...

Hey, I didn't know you were a center. I was too! Sat out my Sr year as well. Couple of late bloomers we are!! If only I could play a few plays with this frame it would be worthwhile....saw my old coach and he's fatter than us. My wrestling coach is still built like a master sergeant though.

Regardless, the journey's not over. We're just entering a new chapter. Which will it be - Paradise Lost or Paradise Regained??