Monday, October 4, 2010

Stuck In The Middle With You

This morning Swami weighed in at 262 and I weighed in at 257. I didn't mean to loose three pounds over the weekend. In fact I tried not to. In fact my one weekend workout involved less sets and reps than I had planned. Sorry Swami.

My goal is still 220. Swami can shoot for 225 if he feels that levels the playing field. I don't care. It's going to take forever. The one thing I feel good about is that this will be a meaty endeavor, not like having a goal of losing three pounds. This one's going to mean something.

The reality of it is just now dawning on me. The problem is - insanity. I believe Einstein is credited with the quote that "Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." So Swami what are we going to do different? Pritkin, Atkins, Mediterranean, South Beach, Precision Nutrition, Venuto, Metabolic, Warrior Diet, Paleo? Fools and Jokers baby. Everyone's got an angle and something to sell.