Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Scoundrel Workout

Galan, in response to your question: I named my new 40kg Bouncing Betty after an anti personnel mine that springs from the ground spinning and exploding. I figure if/when I get that thing off the ground she’ll be shredding me, but in a good way.


Turkish Getups
16kg 5x1/1

Swings and Bike
Thought of something to kick it up just a notch
24kg 3x 10/10/10/10
Bike 5 minutes
24kg 3x 10/10/10/10; started to lose my grip a little
Bike 5 minutes
16kg 3x 10/10/10/10 (Barfed a little on the second set)
Bike 5 minutes

0:39:25 - Duration
521 - Calories
35% - Fat
173 bpm - Max heart rate
99% - % of max:
137 bpm - Average heart rate
78% - % of max:

15:50 - Hard Zone
13:35 - Medium Zone
10:00 - Light Zone
124 - Heart Zone Training Points


Monday, April 28, 2008

Meet the Girls:

Bouncing Betty, Big Bertha, the Medusas, Svetlana, and Sonya.
Not pictured is Kummel. He’s basically worthless. I’d use him as a door stop, but I’m afraid the door would break his handle, then he’d be worthless and no good to even himself ; )

I was at the RKC Kettlebell Certification as a victim yesterday. Basically I was just a test crash dummy for a future KB instructor. We only went over Turkish Getups and Swings. I learned a few things – keep my shoulders in, put a little more effort on the down swing rather than just letting gravity pull the bell down, and a few more details to the TGU’s. I also got 25% off on my two new bells: a second 24kg (for doubles) and a 40kg named Bouncing Betty.

The Blog. OK. I may need this blog. Back in the glory days all I had to do was look in the mirror at my Adonis like physique and that was enough to keep me motivated, but now…who knows. I’ve been slack, lax, and undisciplined in the past month and a half. I figure if Galan’s gonna man up and keeps up the good work, I’ll keep him company.

Also, I was a little miffed at Swami for pasting ghey pictures to my posts. It was kind of like shooting fish in a barrel since I couldn’t reciprocate. Oh well, maybe I had the wrong perspective. At least he was dedicated for 5 minutes a couple times a week ; )

238 lbs - Phat


16kg: 3 x1/1

Double Military Presses
24kg: 5x5

Double Rows
24kg: 5x5

Swings and Bike – 3 rounds
16kg: 5 x 10/10 on top of the minute
5 minutes on the rollers

Side bends
32kg 5/5

0:52:28 - Duration
628 - Calories
45% - Fat
157 bpm - Max heart rate
90% - % of max:
130 bpm - Average heart rate
74% - % of max:

12:00 - Hard Zone
23:06 - Medium Zone
17:22 - Light Zone
152 - Heart Zone Training Points

I can tell already that I’m going to be sore tomorrow. But I heard that GH loves lactic acid, so that’s a good thing.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Day 5

Friday was Day 5 since I got the ok from my orthopedist to begin weight bearing. The break was almost fully healed. On the x-ray, there was just a tiny piece on the very tip of the break on the very outside of the tibia that looked a little fragmented or "mushy" yet. The same piece but much bigger was why I got 4 more weeks from my Week 5 appointment...

The doctor was not concerned about with it being so far out. He told me I should be done with crutches in about 10 days and suggested taking it nice and easy, start with 25 lbs of pressure and increase by 25 lbs. every day or to to see if I have any pain or swelling. I remember telling Amy in the car right after the appointment, "Its really hard for me to see being fully off crutches in 10 days". That's how weak my leg was.

I followed the orthodepist appointment with a PT appointment. I filled in the PT with the news and she said that means you have no restrictions, we can now add a bunch of resistance training to what has basically been stretching and isolated muscle excersises. So she tells me to walk over to the exercise table, about 4 feet away. Well I tried to put some weight on my right leg and it wasn't happening, so I hopped over there, like I normally would. She said I was just being hesitant as I've trained myself to protect my leg for 9 weeks now.

Anyway, that night after work, I started taking steps in the kitchen holding onto the counters and such and eventually, was walking around the house "carrying" the crutches and not using them. Amy was surprised, and of course so was I. That was a pretty happy day.

Some of the biggest obstacles to overcome included the swelling in my lower leg and foot was still not completely gone. I still have some fluid from the injury. So started to walk on my foot was not the most comfortable, especially on a hard surface floor without shoes. Today, my foot swelling is mostly gone. By the end of the day though, I still have some lower leg swelling. Overnight, my body absorbs it, and throughout the day with walking and just having my leg down in a seating position, it slowly comes back. No swelling in my knee though or upper leg. Muscle weakness is also a big obstacle. I'm noticing from my workouts that I have no quad strength, but my calf and hamstring are returning much faster. Steps is where the quad really is needed, well and just walking in general. I can walk pretty good, but because of the quad weakness, its still walking with a limp, sort of herky jerky.

My PT appointments are twice per weak. She tests me to see where I'm at with ROM and strength. She assigns exercises for both and helps with the areas I need the most work. The workout routines I'm doing on my own, but I really focus on things the PT suggests. Biking is great for me, keeps things loose, gets me some cardio, strengthens my quad with the more tension I apply. Squats are also great and I need to add more calf raises as well. Its really strange having worked out 5 days this week and not touching anything above my waist. I used to focus probably 2/3 or the weight training I would do on upper body, so I feel like I'm neglecting it. But I really like the progress I'm making and I'm very determined to get back to where I was pre-injury, if not stronger. So with that, here's my workout from Day 5.


20 reps on the quad machine at 12.5 lbs holding top for a 5 count.

20 reps of squats on the Smith machine with 20 lbs added

20 reps on the hamstring machine at 70 lbs.

20 reps on the calf raise with 45 lbs holding top and bottom for a 5 count.

10 reps of seated squats at 40 lbs. right leg only
10 reps of seated squats at 60 lbs. right leg only

Road bike for 30 minutes, 8.2 miles, 220 calories burned, 130 bpm., 90+ rpm, Level 7.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Day 4

10 reps of squats on the Smith machine with the bar (15 lbs. - assisted)
10 reps of squats on the Smith machine with 20 lbs added

20 reps on the hamstring machine at 50 lbs.

20 reps on the quad machine at 12.5 lbs, and no more cheating.

Road bike for 30 minutes, 7.4 miles, 205 calories burned, 120 bpm. Level 6.

I'm also able to manuever stairs pretty good. If I lead with my good leg, its real easy. But I'm even able to alternate lead legs (like normal), this just takes a little longer and I'm more careful when fully supporting my body weight on my right leg.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day 3

20 reps on the seated squat machine at 80 lbs.
20 reps on the seated squat machine right leg only at 20 lbs.

20 reps on the hamstring machine at 50 lbs.

20 reps on the quad machine at 12.5 lbs, and I still had to cheat with the good leg to get to the top.

Road bike for 30 minutes, 7.5 miles, 195 calories burned, 130 bpm.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day 2

Pushed a little harder today.

10 reps on the seated squat machine at 60 lbs.
10 reps on the seated squat machine at 80 lbs.
10 reps on the seated squat machine right leg only at 20 lbs.

20 reps on the hamstring machine around 40 lbs.

10 reps on the quad machine at 20 lbs, and I still had to cheat with the good leg to get to the top.

Road bike for 30 minutes, 6.4 miles, 164 calories burned, 105 bpm.


Ghost Town

Where did everyone go? I take a little hiatus and this place is a ghost town! Doc gave the ok for weight bearing and driving yesterday. So I drove to Snap and biked for 20 minutes. I went 4 miles and burned 90 calories. My heartrate was 61 bpm. It was a happy day!