…cause my lungs were on fire.
I stepped back a little Swami. But I didn’t have much energy to start with.
One armed swings with 16kg. Fifteen swings starting on the top of the minute, alternating arms; first left then right. 10 minutes. 150 swings total. After the third set my pulse was at 160 bpm. I had about 30 second to rest after each set. I’m really struggling with the left arm.
Then 40 minutes on the rollers. Did a couple one minute sprints at the end. Really felt it in the quadriceps.
Friday, November 30, 2007
I must be a Dragon…
Posted by Scoundrel at 11/30/2007 09:09:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Scoundrel workout
Racquetball #3
Played this morning. 1st game - cut-throat with the Marvelous Mr. M and Mr. K. I was at 2 points and the got 4 mercy points near the end. 2nd cut-throat was Mr. K and Mr S. I might have gotten to 5 or 6 points. But!! Marvelous Mr. M and I play a singles game. I won 15-14. It was a 20 minute affair. Mr. M's game was off a bit. 279lbs after a double cheeseburger, coffee-chocolate malt, fries and onion rings at Annie's Parlor last night.
Posted by Swami at 11/30/2007 03:51:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Swami racquetball
Diet & Exercise
Posted by Unknown at 11/30/2007 07:10:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Galan workout
Thursday, November 29, 2007
End of Week 5, Part 2
Big Boys: End of Week 5
Romanian Deadlift with too much back...
Posted by Unknown at 11/29/2007 07:55:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Muscle Bound
End of Week 5
187.8 lbs
Finished Week 5 of 6 today. I'm not quite ready to be done with the program. I like it and I'm happy with my results. I haven't found a replacement program yet, but I know I want to include more legs so I am in skiing shape for a February trip to Colorado. I'm tempted to go in Saturday morning and find my new 1RM on Bench, Squat, and Dead Lift. I realized this week I'm not doing the regular deadlift, I'm doing the Romanian Deadlift with my hands inside my legs and a wide stance. So that's what I'll continue through week 6 anyway. My posts are bland, I'll have to think about spicing them up.
Posted by Unknown at 11/29/2007 07:27:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: Galan workout
Thursday morning bike
Biked on a Life Fitness 9500HR. Fat Burner mode, THR 120BPM, 75RPM, 40 minutes w/5min cool down. I reached 120BPM at the 8 minute mark. the sweat started at 10 minutes. Felt good. I need to work on my stretching though.
I was originally planning on a 45 minute ride, but I wanted to be at my desk with oatmeal and Naked Protien drink before 7AM. It's Thursday and I didn't have my usual Nesquik, egg, cheese and sausage muffin and chocolate chip muffin. Don't all congratulate me at once.
Thursday mornings since March of 2001 I started going to Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration at St. Charles Borromeo. I'm there from 4AM to 5AM. It's a great hour. Very peaceful and the perfect time and day of the week for me. Then come to work. My company is nice enough to have a small workout room and a locker room and showers. Galan can tell you all about the workout room. He designed it!
Posted by Swami at 11/29/2007 07:23:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Swami workout
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Dragon Tail...
..or rather Dragging MY tail.
Didn’t eat a whole lot today. Bad choice. Svetlana let me know about it. Nag, nag, nag.
I thought I’d kick it up a notch. Mistake.
One Arm Swings 16Kg. 20R, 20L, 20 seconds,20R, 20L, 20 seconds, 20R, 10L, 80 seconds of sucking wind, 20L, 20R, 90 seconds, 20 doubles, 90 seconds, 20 doubles.
190 swings in 12 minutes. Lungs were screaming. Form was poor.
40 minutes on the bike on the rollers. 20 minutes in, my thighs were burning and I was ready to throw in the towel. Bonk.
I need to step back and have some Geritol....maybe after my ice cream.
Posted by Scoundrel at 11/28/2007 09:19:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: Scoundrel workout
Racquetball #2
Wednesday morning is a big day for racquetball. Everyone shows up. Big D, Little D, Mr D, Mr R, Mr A, Mr. R2 and the rest of the regulars. My first game was cut-throat with the Marvelous Magnificent Mr. M and Mr. K. Let's just say I got 3 points. Mr. K is like the guy you expect to meet when you climb that mountain to ask that eternal question. He never hits the ball hard, rarely misses, always is in the right position. Then I played singles with Mr R. It's like the tortoise and hare. No need to point out who is who. In this fairly tale, the tortoise doesn't win. He gets taken apart! Then singles with Mr. S. I don't think he even broke a sweat as he crushed me. The last game was a none eventful cut-throat with Mr. S and Mr D. I was sweating pretty good from the two singles matches and my knees are going to pay for it later. (more on knee health later) But it's fun! 278lbs
Posted by Swami at 11/28/2007 10:26:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Swami racquetball
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Target Heart Rate
There is a lot of talk about "Target Heat Rate" when it comes to exercise. The general consensus is that for your workout to be effective you need to be at your THR for at least 20 minutes. To complicate matters, there are 3 target levels depending on what you are trying to achieve.
Fat Burn 60% of your maximum heart rate (age adjusted), Aerobic 70%-80%, Anaerobic 80%-90%.
Currently when I do "cardio" exercises, like the stationary bike, I am trying to hold my HR at the "fat-burn" rate (Which for me is between 105-121 BPM) for at least 30 minutes (my goal is 40 minutes each time) twice a week. But it is really boring! (I might have to try an MP3 player) The stationary bike is a Life Fitness 95ri. The really neat thing is, you can set the bike on "fat-burn" and set your HR and the bike will automatically adjust the resistance to keep you at your THR. I have only done this 4 or 5 times in the past 6 weeks so I don't have any results to report as of now. I need to be more consistent in my application of this exercise. I don't check my HR when doing my weight routine or playing racquetball. I am sure it is higher because it feels like my heart is going to pound out through my chest! I know Scoundrel and Galan will add their opinions on this subject.
Posted by Swami at 11/27/2007 01:02:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Fitness info
I did it
279 lbs
Biked 30 minutes on a Life Fitness sit down bike on fat-burner w/120BPM, 75RPM and a 5 minute cool down. I got to 120BM at the 3 minute mark.
My intent was to hit the weights. But I also wanted to take my Dad to the club. I was going to get up at 5AM do my workout, get Dad, etc...
Well. I set my alarm, but forgot to turn it on. Got up at 5:20. Got to the club at 6AM. Decided to bike instead of weights for 2 reasons. 1. Time 2. I left my workout sheet at work. I hit the bike at 6:10. Not enough time for a 40 minute ride, so I did 30. It was a good sweat. I should have spent some time stretching out after. My hamstrings were tight!
Posted by Swami at 11/27/2007 08:56:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Swami workout
Taking Shape
Posted by Unknown at 11/27/2007 07:38:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: Galan workout
Monday, November 26, 2007
40 minutes riding the bike on the rollers.
I’ve been sore and tired since yesterday’s workout. Exhausted actually. Now, after this workout and a good stretch, I fell right as rain. Rejuvinated even.
Posted by Scoundrel at 11/26/2007 07:10:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: Scoundrel workout
Cyber Monday
189 lbs
Started Week 5 of 6 Today. On the bench I worked up to 5 reps at 220 lbs, where my 1rm prior to the program was 210 lbs, so progress is being made. Ate lots of food this weekend topped off by OCB Sunday for dinner with my dad. I expect to be down to 187 by Friday. I think I'm gaining muscle mass little by little, but not losing much fat. Getting back on a sensible diet will help. Cardio workouts have been limited to twice weekly during this program. Just not enough time in the day.
Posted by Unknown at 11/26/2007 11:03:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Galan workout
The Monday after...
278 lbs
Played racquetball this morning. I beat the marvelous magnificent Mr. M. 15-14. I think he spotted me too many points ;). It's the second time in two weeks I've beat him. Considering I haven't beaten him in 8 months of playing. I got crushed by Mr. S 15-7. I haven't beaten him yet. He is probably the top player in the group. I crushed Mr. D. 15-11. At one point it was 12-6. I am now constantly competitive with Mr. D.
I didn't workout over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. For some reason I wasn't getting much sleep. 4 hours Thursday, 5.5 hours Friday, 6 on Saturday. I was hoping to go in the morning. Oh well, you know what they say about good intentions.
Diet this morning:
8oz Naked Juice Superfood w/2 ibuprofen before raquetball.
After raquetball (around 8:30-9:00) - 8oz Naked Juice Protien drink, 2 bags Simple Harvest maple and pecan oatmeal w/ 1 tab butter.
3000mg fish oil, 1000mg MSM, 750 mg glucosamine, 750 chondrodriten, vitamin, 2 ibuprofen. The supplements are all Member's Mark from Sam's Club. Also I take those again at dinner time or before bed.
Posted by Swami at 11/26/2007 08:48:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Swami racquetball
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Keep this train wreck moving
It’s been too long since my last workout, so I took a chance. Kt had a late night, so I gambled that she’d sleep through whatever noise I would be making. I was right.
243 Lbs
16Kgs;10 minutes of swings – 30 seconds of DARC or two handed swings and 30 seconds of recovery.
40 minutes on the rollers.
Post Script Edit –
A swing is one of the two ‘entry level’ or minimum program requirements in the Enter the Kettlebell book (or at Amazon). The actual program exercise – 10 minutes with 30 second of reps and 30 seconds of active recuperation is called a “Man Maker.” The other program minimum exercise set is 5 minutes of “Get-up’s.”
The swing is really a conditioning move as opposed to a strength move and is a precursor to the snatch pull. It is performed using back and leg motions somewhat similar to a squat. First you bend over into a squat position with a straight back and swing the bell back between your legs. Keep the weight on the heels and the shins vertical. Then stand by thrusting your hips through or “contracting” your glutes and bring the bell chest level.
DARC swings are one handed swings where you alternate from left to right every rep at about chest height. The name is from the place they were 'invented' - Direct Action Resource Center which trains SWAT teams.
Two handed swings are swings with both hands gripping the bell.
Posted by Scoundrel at 11/25/2007 08:53:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: Scoundrel workout
Friday, November 23, 2007
Technical Update
I have figured out how to have expandable blogs entries. I have one bug to workout - double readmore at the bottom of the entry. To have and expandable blog add this to your entry where you want to cut it off. '<'span class="readmore"'>' (remove single quotes around the <>. I did this to have the command show up)
I did this so that we can see more blog entries and not have to scroll through Scoundrels long winded prose ;) to see the other entries.
Posted by Swami at 11/23/2007 04:50:00 PM 6 comments
Labels: Technical
Black Friday
There were many things to be thankful for yesterday, least of which is all the wonderful tastes that make up the Thanksgiving dinner. I've learned that Black Friday's true blackness is related to the collective weight gain of Americans.
Weight 189.8 lbs
Ran for 15 minutes
Elliptical for 20 minutes
500+ calories burned
Thansgiving was the busiest day I've ever seen at Snap, today was the deadist. Whole gym to myself for 45 minutes. 1 other soul showed up as I was leaving.
4 weeks done, 2 to go. Still a little sore in the shoulders and neck from deadlifts Wednesday. They work pretty good!
Posted by Unknown at 11/23/2007 10:21:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: Galan workout
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Scoundrel #5
Happy Thanksgiving!
Not sure when my next workout will be due to the long weekend and my parenting schedule, so I put in 40 minutes on the rollers early this morning. Didn't really feel the love this morning.
I'd like to thank Swami for the motivational poster. It's great. I put it on the fridge.
Posted by Scoundrel at 11/22/2007 06:33:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Scoundrel workout
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Long Wind
Swami showed us his, so I’ll show you mine…
I played football from 3rd grade until I was a senior in high school (1979-1980), the only exception was my junior year when I played soccer. I too was a center and being a late bloomer, sat out my senior year. I was about 140 lbs. Not great for a senior. During those years I also had one year of wrestling and summers in the weight room.
During the later part of my high school career and the early part of my college career my father and brother and I would spend time at the Decathlon Club playing racquetball and basketball.
Swami and I became friends up during college. We were in the same fraternity and both of us enjoyed racquetball. That was the winter of 1980 right? Swami had a white boy ‘fro so I know it was a very long time ago.
From 1983 until 1993 I was taking karate during my free time between school and work. I started at about 167 lbs (measuring 8.7% body fat) and ended in the 180’s. I worked my way up to a double black stripped brown belt when I blew a knee. Just before I was getting ready to test for black. I never had surgery, but found no stability in the leg to continue.
Since then I got married, had a kid, got divorced, got depressed, enjoyed food and beer and generally worked my way from a 6 pack in the 80’s to the keg I’m toting about now.
I don’t really have any sport specific goals. It’d be nice to lose some weight sure, but really I’d like a little more energy at the end of the day. I’d like to be able to concentrate a little better. Also if I could sleep better or more efficiently I would be very happy. Stress release would also be a huge benefit.
As far as measurable goals: I would say 220 lbs and a waist of 40 inches (pre-divorce build) would be a realistic and obtainable first stepping stone. I do not want to bulk up. I want to melt the butter.
Sorry no rabbit food here. I never really did get that. Lettuce…mmmm…I don’t think so. I will eat just about anything else. I’ve just started to read some of Aitkin’s work. What impresses me was that I heard his autopsy report revealed that he had the heart of a teenager. I would like to cut down on the sugars, corn syrups, caffeine’s, sodium’s etc. OK, OK bread and refined rice are out, pastas and potatoes will be reduced too. I will try to eat more lean meat and fish, but I will not cut out red meat entirely. I will be making a more concerted effort in the fruits and vegetables area. My daughter’s old enough where we no longer need milk higher in fat – so skim is in. Plus I’ll cut malts and ice cream down to a once a week reward.
My alcohol consumption I would classify as minimal. Often I do not have any beer or wine. If I do, it’s not more than one glass or bottle (no cans please) a day. If I go out with a buddy it might be a couple, but it’s a long time since I’ve gotten stupid.
The Plan
The major portion of my workouts will be spinning…or more accurately riding my bike on a set of rollers. I will usually try to ride for at least 40 minutes. I read somewhere that’s when you’re going to start burning the fat.
Also, I will be including Kettlebells as one component of my workout for the next 10 weeks on a trial basis. A lot of what I’m reading is counter to the weight lifting knowledge of yore. Short sets, no more than 5 reps with long rest between seems to be the consensus for gaining strength but not bulk. It’s very confusing to me. Nothing to muscle failure. The recommendation is for one “push” and one “pull”. There are other buzz words I’m trying to understand like “grind” – a very slooow motion lift. Maybe I’ve been away from the magazines too long or maybe this is a whole new culture, I don’t know. In this book the “minimum” is to do “swings” (pull) and “get-ups” (push), two times a week each. Technique for cleans, presses, and snatches are supposed to be practiced initially only a few a day.
I got my first kettlebell (16 kg or 35 lbs) two days ago and did the swing three times for 30 seconds, with 30 second rests. Totally wasted me. I rode the bike first, which probably didn’t help. Yesterday I was sore in the hamstring area and the latissimus area, last night I also became sore in the lower back and abdominal areas. Today I notice some stiffness in the pectoral area. I think there’s an area between my toes that’s not sore. (It’s not a debilitating soreness like in 1991, in case you were wondering Swami) Interesting group of muscles for 90 seconds of actual work.
I’m sorry to report that I don’t really have a baseline. I don’t have access to a gym so no bench, dead and press maxes here. I can do 20 pushups and 50 sit-ups, but it’s a struggle to finish either. How do you put a number on “Bottom of the Barrel?”
Tonight Scoundrel’s #4 was a combination of spin and swing. I rode the rollers for 40 minutes; on every 5 and 10 I pulled 10 one arm alternating swings with each arm using Svetlana the 35 lb kettlebell. After 10 minutes I was sweating bullets to “Give Me Back My Bullets” by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Posted by Scoundrel at 11/21/2007 07:45:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Scoundrel personal
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
A weights journey
In 10th grade I was a whopping 140 lbs still playing the line with the 180 pounders. (back then 200lbs was big!) After spending the season on bench I decided that maybe football wasn't for me. I was 165 in 11th grade and graduated at 180 lbs (5' 11"). In 11th grade I picked up racquetball and loved it! But that is for another post.
After 3 years out of high school, I had a small growth spurt. I was over 200 lbs but was skinny. At the end of the summer of 1984 I was at 205. I was doing manual labor and water skiing almost daily.
By spring of 1985 I was up to 215. You could still see my ribs, but I was considered 40lbs over weight by the BMI charts. Go figure! By the spring of 1986 I was around 225 to 230. I was playing racquetball, but the change in jobs - from UPS to office work was making a difference. (But maybe it was the Nestle's Quik and chocolate croissants) I said I wouldn't go over 230. (I was at 235).
When I got married in August 1988 I was at 240lbs. I was still playing some racquetball, but not enough to make any difference. Early in 1991 I was at 250lbs! and the Scoundrel and had this great idea that we would start lifting weights. We were both members of Northwest Racquet Clubs (Started by Harv and Marv). So one Friday in January we hit the weights (hard!). On the Sunday after I couldn't move. My wife had to help me get dressed. I was so sore! I mean I was really sore! The Scoundrel and I lifted about once a week until around March. 250 lbs was my limit! Well I was hovering around 255.
I stayed at around 250 for awhile. By the summer of 1998 I was at 265. I had stopped playing racquetball or doing any other exercise! (I had been playing about twice a week with someone from church from 1992-1994.) My job of 10 years had been working 12 hour rotating shifts as a power system operator. But... We had moved to a new office and it had a workout room! Boy was I going to get into shape! Working out before work, it was going to be great! I even had a locker! I made a couple of attempts at the stairmaster, bike, and elliptical. Even crossed paths with Galan! By 2000, I was 270/275. I was playing softball on the work team but I was in sorry shape (ask Galan). Hampered by hamstring cramps.
Then came the trip to Wolf Ridge. It was a 5th grade trip for a week. There were the stairs of death. 270 stairs on the backside of the camp. Talk about sucking wind! Not to mention the climbing wall. I was a fat out of shape slob! I was really really determined to do something about my sorry condition. I made some more attempts in 2002 & 2003, not to mention another trip to Wolf Ridge. This time I was 280! (Remember I didn't want to be more than 230 or was that 250?)
Then in 2004 or 2005 Scoundrel and I made a bet. The first person to lose 10lbs buys the other a CD. I was at 288! Needless to say...
Well enough was enough.. with Galan and Coolio's encouragement, I started working out in January 2006, I was at 285lbs. 225 was my goal by December 20th. I figured going from couch potato to working out, the weight would just melt away. Well.. 6 months of 4 days a week (the program will highlighted another time) and not an ounce lost! We we moved offices in July 2006 and I stopped working out.
Then in February, Wackapacker pushed me and Galan to play some racquetball. I love racquetball! My first concern was my knees. At 285 I figured they would just snap off. We were playing about once a week. In March I met up some some guys at Lifetime Fitness (formally Northwest Athletic Club). By the end of the summer I was down about 10 lbs! ~ 273/277. In August I injured my foot (more on that later) and I was back up to 280 plus in 3 weeks! In October I started with the weights again. What a difference it made in my racquetball! So I'm playing racquetball 3 times a week and working out twice a week. I am currently at 277lbs. That's my weight's journey.
Posted by Swami at 11/20/2007 05:40:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: Swami personal
Monday, November 19, 2007
Scoundrel #3 Coming out swinging.
OK boys. She arrived. A black beauty.
Curvy, cold, hard, with no IQ and a will of iron….wait I just had a deja vu moment. Sweet sixteen (kg), and she’s gone kick my tail. In some of the articles I’ve read the guys name their kettle bells. I think I’ll name this one Svetlana. Sveaty for short. She’s about as big around as a 10 pound plate; bigger than a shot put and smaller then a bowling ball.
40 minutes on the rollers. 3 x 30 second one handed swings alternating. Two minute active cool down on the bike to keep the oxygenated blood pumping. Hole-ee-cow!! Sveaty is more challenging than I thought. Only 3/30 second intervals and my heart rate hit 190. Legs are a little rubbery and my chest feels like it’s split wide open. Good though. Really good!
This could be the beginning of a long (slow) uphill climb.
Posted by Scoundrel at 11/19/2007 07:53:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: Scoundrel workout
6-Week Program
Pre-Program 1 Rep Maxes:
Bench: 210 lbs.
Squat: 230 lbs.
Dead Lift: 240 lbs.
Age: 32
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 187 lbs.
Posted by Unknown at 11/19/2007 11:28:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: Galan personal
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Addiction ended...
Posted by Swami at 11/18/2007 09:31:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Swami personal
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Scoundrel #2
Forty minutes on the rollers. Two one minute sprints - up to 170/bpm's. Other than the sprints, not really sucking wind.
Posted by Scoundrel at 11/17/2007 05:21:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Scoundrel workout
Monday, November 12, 2007
Scoundrel's 1st
OK – Swami’s been playing racquetball and doing some lifting. He’s just been too shy to share.
I’ve been out of town, busy, and/or lazy. Not looking forward to that first dose of soreness.
Date - 11/12/2007
Weight 246 lbs
Neck 17''
Shoulders 53.25''
Chest 47''
Gut 45.5''
Waist 42.5''
Hips 44''
Right Thigh 26.5''
Left Thigh 27.25''
Right Arm 16.25''
Left Arm 15.5''
Resting Heart Rate 70 bpm
First workout: 40 minutes on the rollers.
Easing into this nonsense. Felt a little light headed, weak in the knees, and saddle sore.
Posted by Scoundrel at 11/12/2007 06:11:00 PM 3 comments
Labels: Scoundrel workout