Yesterday was OK. I spent more time looking after KT than eating. I was a little (OK a lot) miffed that we had to go to the Holidazzel parade. I had to carry KT, all 50 lbs of her, for fifteen minutes at a good pace, on the ice, uphill (not uphill both ways, but it felt like it) and then hold her up to see for about 10 minutes of the parade until a saint let us get down in front. I am a little stiff in the back and shoulders. KT had a blast so it was worth it in the end. Still...
I’m also concerned about tomorrow which is snowmobiling with JR. We usually get a little stupid and it takes a toll on my neck and back (Thank God for helmets!).
So I decided to take it easy today, just enough to get the blood pumping and blow out some of that lactate and a little steam.
Workout: 40 minutes on the bike on the rollers.
Weight: Do you see what I see? I had to step off and on a couple of times...235!! I blew past 10 and straight to 11 pounds down. Merry Christmas!
January 21
Swings, 28 kg; 5 x 10/10 and TGUs, 28 kg; 5 x 1/1
Heart Graph App..five stars!
I did the swings at the top of the minute, waited a minute and continued
9 years ago
So you put your kettlebell work to good use! I'm glad KT had a good time.
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