Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I had a great idea for a workout. I started to tackle it and was on the down slide when I realized I didn’t have my heart rate monitor on. I felt like tossing in the towel, but pushed through...


I wanted to try the 5 minute SSST test. Eventually I want to do the 10 minute – 200 snatches minimum. This time I just wanted to see where things would fall out. I didn’t quite do 100 in 5 minutes. It took 5:30, but I’m happy with it. My technique was not great and I wasn't trying to push for numbers. I just wanted to see how the time felt.

16kg 5 x 10/10
100 reps; 3,520 lbs

I wanted to add some clean and presses. New ladders with the 24 kg but I was running out of steam.

repeated 3 times:

C&P; 24 kg

Bike rollers @3.5 minutes

Swings; 24kg
5 x 10/10
* I was into my 3rd set of swings when I realized I hadn’t turned on my HR monitor – Crap!

Bike rollers @ 5 minutes

18 reps, 950 lbs

300 reps 15,840 lbs

55:00 - Duration Actual
37:21 - Duration HR monitor
546 - Calories
35% - Fat
169 bpm - Max heart rate
97% - % of max:
146 bpm - Average heart rate
83% - % of max:

15:32 - Hard Zone
21:49 - Medium Zone
00:00 - Light Zone
26 - 60 second recovery **
128 - Heart Zone Training Points

** I was worried about my recovery times. Apparently a 60 second recovery rate of 12 bpm means you should check yourself into a hospital. Since I was averaging 24 bpm over 120 seconds – I was starting to feel ill. So I tried something different. After my last set of swings I took a 60 second reading and came up with a 26 bpm recovery. I realized that I was taking a recovery rate after I was already recovery – coasting practically on the bike. Taking it when my heart was banging made a huge difference.