Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It's been a year

I've been playing racquetball for a year now. I'm not wheezing, and huffing and puffing anymore. Yesterday I weighed 276lbs. I've lost 9 lbs since re-starting racquetball. My game has improved greatly over the year, but I feel I've stagnated over the last few months. Yesterday I lost to Mr. T 15-14. He is someone I should beat regularly, but Mr. T has beaten me the last several times. I get out to a big lead then let up. In my second game, I beat Super D 15-4. My serve was finally working. Even if it was only for 1 game. Then I played some cut-throat with Marvelous and Mr. R and he crushed us - 15-4-2 and 15-11-2 (the two being my score). Marvelous is going in for carpel-tunnel surgery this week. He says the surgery takes 10 minutes and is done by a robot at the Mayo Clinic. He'll be out for at least 6 weeks. Gotta go now my wife is hounding me, she needs to do some "shopping"!


Scoundrel said...

Great post! Has it been a year already? Now that's dedication.

Was that so hard?)