Monday, February 11, 2008

Catch up

Need to catch up on my last few workouts.

Monday, February 11, 2008
Variety Day

Up for something a little different. I was initially going to do Long Push Presses.

For this techniques you clean the kettlebell and go into a full front squat. Then you drive out of the squat and push press as you are nearing the top of the squat.

I was going to alternate that with 10 minutes on the bike for an hour. Instead I turned it up slightly and did one set of Long Push Presses, biked for 5 minutes, one set of Swings, biked for 5 minutes and repeated six times for a total of an hour.

I started with the 24kg, but after 3 circuits my shoulder popped. So I quickly ratcheted down to the 16kg KB. Yes, I’m getting old.

Long Push Press;
24kg; 5/5x3
16kg; 5/5x3
60 reps; 2,640 lbs

24kg; 10/10x3
16kg; 10/10x3
120 reps, 5,280 lbs

Plus time on the bike.

Duration: 1:02:34
Calories: 801
Fat: 40%
Max heart rate: 154 bpm
% of max: 88%
Average heart rate: 135 bpm
% of max: 77%

Hard Zone: 12:10
Medium Zone: 42:37
Light Zone: 07:30
120 second recovery: 28 bpm recovery
Heart Zone Training Points: 190

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Clean and Press Ladders
16 kg: 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4 x 5 sets, all full rungs, two up from Wednesday.

100 reps
3,520 lbs

One handed Swings
On the top of the minute

24kg; 5/5 x 7 sets
Two sets more than the usual five at 24kg’s. I changes back to 16kg’s when I felt my technique slipping.
16kg; 10/10; x 8 sets

300 reps
13,024 lbs

@ 30 minutes on the cycle.

Duration: 1:01:02
Calories: 757
Fat: 40%
Max heart rate: 165 bpm
% of max: 94%
Average heart rate: 133 bpm
% of max: 76%

Hard Zone: 15:34
Medium Zone: 25:34
Light Zone: 19:26
120 second recovery: 22 bpm recovery
Heart Zone Training Points: 178

Saturday, February 9, 2008
Variety Day

Turkish Get-ups
16kg; five minutes

Bike; 42:24 Minutes (Got a little saddle sore)

Duration: 42.24 (I didn’t clock the HR during the TGU’s)
Calories: 440
Fat: 55%
Max heart rate: 130 bpm
% of max: 74%
Average heart rate: 120 bpm
% of max: 69%

Hard Zone: 0:00
Medium Zone: 3:12
Light Zone: 0:39:12
120 second recovery: 21 bpm recovery
Heart Zone Training Points: 88