Performed two workouts today. Skipped Monday's so I probably owed myself an extra anyway. I am beat.
AM Workout
I rode for an hour this morning. I have a little extra time when I have Kaitlyn, prior to when she gets up - if I can get up (usually I stay up later reading so I can check on her).
During the workout I realized a couple of things.
First I realized that it took a little more ‘effort’ to get to 70% HRMax. When I first tried to maintain a 70% a week or so ago, I could barely move the pedals slow enough. This morning I was going a little faster and started out at 113bpm (120 was my target). I picked up the pace and finally hit the 120 target after about 20 minutes. Later I realized that although I am monitoring my HR it is a relative measure. It doesn’t actually measure the work I do, but the effect of my effort on my heart. It’s not like I can say I biked a mile in a minute. I don’t have an odometer. Theoretically, the more ‘in shape’ I become the less ‘effort’ is going to be discernible on the HR monitor. It’s like I’m using an odometer to try to figure out how fast I’m going. I think I need to take cadence readings as measures of work performed in order to determine improvement in the cycling portion of my workouts. It would be more vital if biking were my sport, which it isn’t. But I’m very interested in progress measures and indicators of fitness.
If I would have taken cadence readings the first time I tried 70% of heart rate max I could have compared them to today’s ride to determine % of increase cadence required to achieve the same heart rate. That would have been some useful information.
Duration: 56:48
Calories: 546
Fat: 55%
Max heart rate: 126 bpm
% of max: 72%
Average heart rate: 116 bpm
% of max: 66%
Hard Zone: 0:00
Medium Zone: 0:00
Light Zone: 56:22
120 second recovery: 24 bpm recovery
Heart Zone Training Points: 113
PM Workout
Clean and Press Ladders
16 kg: 1/1, 2/2, 3/3, 4/4 x 3 sets and 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 x 2 sets
I added an extra rung on three sets for an additional 24 reps.
84 reps (Oops, I’ve been counting only one arm previously.)
2,956 lbs
One handed Swings
On the top of the minute
I was a little leery because of the last time I did swings and the cramping/twinge in my back so I backed off to the previous weight.
24kg; 5/5 x 5 sets
16kg; 10/10; x 10 sets
I felt it in my back on the last set.
300 reps
12,320 lbs
Twenty-five minutes on the cycle. My legs were shaking.
Duration: 58:37
Calories: 739
Fat: 40%
Max heart rate: 165 bpm
% of max: 94%
Average heart rate: 134 bpm
% of max: 77%
Hard Zone: 14:58
Medium Zone: 27:17
Light Zone: 15:34
120 second recovery: 25 bpm recovery
Heart Zone Training Points: 173
January 21
Swings, 28 kg; 5 x 10/10 and TGUs, 28 kg; 5 x 1/1
Heart Graph App..five stars!
I did the swings at the top of the minute, waited a minute and continued
10 years ago
Same gear when biking? Get a cadence monitor/bike computer. You just have to face facts.. You are getting in better shape!
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