Friday, February 8, 2008

The Riddler

I’m still trying to riddle out the information I posted yesterday. There’s virtually no toning down the swings. Those will have to be my high intensity days. Besides I love those.

The point of the post wasn’t really that I had to cut back. It was that I developed an increased awareness of overtraining and energy. The luck part is that I haven’t really been overtraining. I just haven’t been using my energy wisely. I think that the target audience for the book I mentioned would have been runners who have been running for quite some time; racing even, and needed to dig themselves out of a hole. I’m just fat and out of shape. Like a bit fat fish out of water flopping around trying to breath.

I found it especially interesting about increasing mitochondrial density at the 70% HRMax level, and the effect that has on a persons ‘wind’. My take away was that I need to incorporate some of these 70% HRMax workouts into my regime. This means I have to have at least two levels of workout intensity:

The C&P Ladders with the swings (or snatches at some future point) I will continue on with. I really need the bike portion of that workout to cool down. There’s no way around that.

I think for my 70% HRMax workouts I will use the bike. I also like the variety day workouts with the bike (or maybe jumping rope or ski machine) for rounds of 10 minutes with a circuit of Kettlebells in between. Today was the second time with this particular type of workout. It was a good workout, but not at a heart pounding pace. Not an easy workout either. I was still dripping with sweat by about the 30 minute mark. The KB’s increase my heart rate some, but that portion of the workout is spread out enough to have a minimized impact.


Push Press
32kg; 5/5

24kg; 5/5

10 Minutes on the bike

Done as a circuit six times.

84 reps, 4,858 lbs

Duration: 1:16:08
Calories: 809
Fat: 55%
Max heart rate: 142 bpm
% of max: 81%
Average heart rate: 122 bpm
% of max: 70%

Hard Zone: 0:00
Medium Zone: 11:18
Light Zone: 1:04:23
120 second recovery: 27 bpm recovery
Heart Zone Training Points: 163