Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Inner Game of Kettlebells.

(The big push.)

I was sore today. Knot in the shoulder. Knot in the back. Glute’s were sore. Quads were sore. Feeling old. Had a zit in a very inconvenient place.


So I decided, stick with the 16kg bell, but how can I turn it up a little? I wanted to back off for my back and shoulder, but I was in the mood…

So I figured do a few Turkish Get-Ups, but not enough to over load the shoulder. Then rotate the bike and some swings. But let’s make it interesting…20/20 on the five?? I gave it a try. I didn’t put the TGU’s on the HRM.

16kg, five minutes 7/7
14 reps, 493 pounds

Swings, on the five
16kg, 20/20

Bike to finish out the five @ 3:30 each

For a full hour
480 reps, 16,896

It was tough: this sucks – jmt!
I got a pee. – jmt, you don’t have time. You’re lucky I let you have any water.
Half an hour? Oh my, I’m running out of steam. – Jmt, kick it in!
I’m not gonna make it. – Show some character!
My hands are so sweaty the bell is slipping! – Take your shirt off and use that. Times up!
I’m beat. – Where’s your pride? –Well....I use MY strap! – Quit yapping!

It was brutal, but at least I don’t hear Obi – Wan – A - Swami in my head any more!

1:00:14 - Duration
889 - Calories
30% - Fat
164 bpm - Max heart rate
94% - % of max:
147 bpm - Average heart rate
84% - % of max:

43:58 - Hard Zone
15:37 - Medium Zone
00:38 - Light Zone
32 bpm - 120 second recovery
224 - Heart Zone Training Points


Swami said...

Never under estimate the power of the strap! Not all days are going to be good ones. Sounds like you found something that worked for you. The one hour workouts gotta have you looking pretty good! When do we get the 3 month update? Way to plow through an off day!