Today in the mail arrive my long sot after Bike jockstraps. When I started playing racquetball last year, I didn't know how long it would last and low on my list of necessities was a jockstrap. Well.. several weeks ago while playing I was running after a ball in the back court and the ball took a funny bounce in the corner and in the effort to hit the ball, I hit something other than a raquetball and was dropped right down. Yeah it was funny. Ha Ha. So I decided the time had finally come to purchase an 'athletic supporter'.
I didn't think it was going to be a big deal. I wanted the "Bike" brand because in the past I have found them to work the best for me. So off I go to Sports Authority. They had exactly what I was looking for, Bike athletic supports "2 pack" for $9. Great! I thought. only one problem... Something was missing, They didn't have any XXL. (and no, I don't need the size for anything other than I'm fat.) So off I went to Target, no Bike brand and no XXL. Ok, let's try Walmart, they had XXL but it was a 'Duke' $5 for one. So I picked it up. The size range for XXL was 38" to 44". Kind of a stretch if you get my drift. Not comfortable and cheap! Well off to Dave's Sporting Goods. Dave's is an institution here. Hey if anyplace is going to have what I need, it's going to be Dave's. Well... No Bike, they did have XXL, but I don't remember the brand. $9 for 1! Same result. Not comfortable. Rough and course. So I turned to the Internet. The Internet is a great place to shop. It's just those darn shipping charges! After looking around I found a place - freshpair. Here they had everything I was looking for. Bike supporters, XXL and free shipping!
$14 for a 2 pack. So I bought 2 packs. Tomorrow I get to try them out at my first Kettlebell class! You wouldn't think it would be this hard to find a XXL jockstrap.
January 21
Swings, 28 kg; 5 x 10/10 and TGUs, 28 kg; 5 x 1/1
Heart Graph App..five stars!
I did the swings at the top of the minute, waited a minute and continued
9 years ago
When you said you won because you ran the balls down, I was thinking something completely different!
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