Monday, December 17, 2007

Back in the Groove

It sure feels good to feel healthy again. Last week I came down with some bug and had the chills and body aches for 2 straight days. Missed 3 workouts last week. That and not really having a workout plan really had me feeling like I was losing grouond.

But I was back at it today feeling good and a new Triple Threat program in hand my workout felt great. I didn't have enough time for all the sets in 40 minutes. I think the program might be designed for an hour. I'll have to make some mods. Its a good change of pace though. I'm doing sets of 8-12 reps instead of 5, which has an added cardio benefit I really didn't have in my last program (besides my cardio days).

186 lbs.


Scoundrel said...

Sorry to hear about your illness. I was wondering where you’d gone to. Feels good to get back into it doesn’t it?