Saturday, December 1, 2007

Technical upadate #2

In process... Trying to reconfigure and laying with some stuff. I wanted to see what the picture would look like. I would like to go to a 3 column blog but I'm afraid. I have to use an 'outside' template. Anyway. I can edit and play with the picture. Of course, Scoundrel and Galan are free to lend their hand too. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. If you run across any blogs that you like the format, color scheme, widgets, etc. Just let me know.



Scoundrel said...

Hey, I think your doing great. I have some ideas but the whole dial-up thing is a pain and time consuming. Add to that, some one sent me some really large files I’m trying to download : )

Swami said...

I see someone have been busy. I like the parchment and separators. You even got rid of the green!

Scoundrel said...

I hope U like. Took me awhile.

What do you intend for the 3rd column?