Sunday, December 2, 2007

Stiff and Sore

I'm working on a post about yesterday's workout.  But here is a qick note.  I am stiff and sore.  Triceps, Glutes, Hammy's, Knees and most disturbing - lower back.  I just was doing my normal lift routine, even skipped a few exercises!  But I added 25lbs to the squat (200) and added an inclined press.  I won't disclose the weight now.  You will just have to wait.  Going to bed very sore and stiff.  I'm going to need a lot of warm-up for racquetball tomorrow!  (note: not as bad as Jan '91, but it's in the ballpark)


Scoundrel said...

Whoa Pal,

Looks like we’re going to need to have a little sit down about OVER DOING IT!! You need to ease into you’re workouts. Ha, Ha, Ha. Where have I heard that before?!

Hey, don’t do the crime if you ain’t got the spine.

Take two Advil, I hope you feel better. (A heating pad works wonders.)


Take the day off and catch-up on your chess.

Unknown said...

Good to hear. I like to see the Sunday routine, NASCAR robs you of this and so much more!