Monday, December 24, 2007

Battling Medusa

Two days of overeating and a few beers, and I’ve been wondering if I’ve been getting too comfortable/complacent, so I stepped it up a notch on my swings. I wasn’t really sure which step to take next: more reps per minute with shorter rest periods, more sets, or more weight.

Svetlana does a dang good job and I feel like I’ve come a long way but I thought I’d take it up to the next weight. So I thought Svetlana, small, “s”. What would be the next name...”M”, medium….mmmmm. Medusa sounds good. She turned men to stone...and since that’s what I’m looking for - Medusa it is.


Kettlebell Swings:

Medusa; 24kb 15 doubles x 5 sets
Svetlana; 16kb 5/5/5/5 x 5 sets

Bike on rollers 40 minutes

Crunches 30 x 4 sets

I finished an hour ago and my heart rate is still racing.


Swami said...

I thought you would have picked up another 16kg bell? You know for your next size, you could name it Shamoo ;). You could do some double swings with another 16kg. How's your knee?
Mine are still complaining.

Scoundrel said...

They recommend that you get the 16kg, 24kg, then the 32kg. After that they recommend getting the matching pairs for doubles.

If I named a bell Shamoo I’d never be able to touch it. Ish.

Anything heavier than 32Kg (70lbs) is traditionally called a bulldog. The 48kg (106lbs) bell is call “The Beast.” I’ll never need one that heavy, but Beast/Shamoo, pretty much the same thing.

My knee was pretty tight over Christmas. The jaunt to the parade was treacherous. Feels OK now.

DKS said...

Hey scoundrel, I hoped you didn't enjoy too many pies over Christmas. Enjoyed your site.