Monday, December 3, 2007

Week 6

Its the start of Week 6. I was a little nervous about my workout today after having wrestled with my niece and nephew last night for about 30 minutes. My back was sore this morning. My 1RM Bench Press before I started this program was 210 lbs. Today my 6th set was 230 lbs for 8 reps. Feels good. I plan to find my new 1RM on Bench Press, Squat, and Deadlift (Romanian) next Monday. This week is MAPP Committee meeting week, so I will be consuming many extra calories, the workouts will be very important this week, especially the cardio Tu and Fr.


Scoundrel said...

From a PR of 210 to 8 reps of 230 in a mere six weeks is pretty impressive to me. Accolades to you!!

Swami said...

Great job Pete! Its good that you are seeing results. Just a reflection of the great shape you were already in. So... Any marathons in your future?