Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A good morning

Played some racquetball this morning. Although it didn't start out well. Little warmup... I played cut-throat with Big D and Mr. D. I only got 4 points. Big D owned us!
2nd game, things looked better. I was up 14-3-2. But hit a slump and eventually won 15-10-8.
3rd game I played Mr. Rabbit. I was hitting well. It was 14-4! Then the running was taking its toll. I did win though... 15-14!
Last game was another cut-throat. This time with Mr. R and Super D. It was a fun game, but I only got 5 points.
So what made it a good morning? I had a couple of good games and a lot of fun. My knees will be complaining later though. 281


Scoundrel said...

Well Golly. Sounds like Big D owns everyone. But look at all the guys you own. You bet it was a good day. It was a Great Day!!